Intersnack supports farmers with productivity and quality programs that contribute to higher yields and income security

See for yourself how cashews improve the life of farmers.

Sina: cashew farmer from Cambodia

The cashews provide me a better income. I can send my children to school.

About Sina

Sina lives together with her husband, daughter, and son. The cashew trees they have are young and are growing quickly.
‘I sell my cashews to the cooperative, it is well organized and we are supported and trained on the quality. I learnt how to make natural liquid fertilizer. It is good for the plants, safe for environment and customers.’​

Moussa: cashew farmer from Ivory Coast

We take good care of our cashews.

About Moussa

Moussa lives in Bafretou with his wife and kids. He has built up a large cashew plantation in recent years with the aim of being able to pass it on to his children. Moussa has 37 people from the community working for him, whom he provides with a good income.
Cashews have brought a significant change in Moussa and his family’s lives. Before starting to grow cashews, life was tough for them. However, with the assistance of the cooperation, they learned good agricultural practices and improved the quality of their cashews.

Partnerships of Intersnack

Intersnack is committed to making a positive impact in the agricultural sector through various initiatives and partnerships. We actively participate in pre-competitive sector initiatives that focus on providing training to farmers, conducting research on yield improvement, and facilitating access to market information.
The ComCashew project, has already benefitted over 500,000 farmers by providing them with valuable training on agricultural practices.
In addition to our involvement in sector-wide initiatives, we are proud to work directly with farmer cooperatives in Africa and Asia. One inspiring example is our partnership with GIZ and an agricultural cooperative in Cambodia. Through this collaboration, we aim to support 2,000 farming families and take significant steps towards shortening our cashew supply chain. We support them by providing high-quality training and investing in essential resources like warehouses and drying yards.
For more info

Intersnack supports farmer cooperatives

Intersnack supports cooperatives by contributing to improvement programmes and projects that provide education and training to farmers on topics such as productivity and quality. This leads to better yield hence higher income.